Anthony Romeo And Tommy Defendi | (If) Makes You Feel Good | CockyBoys

RJ and I have been working with our team to come up with new creative ways to work together with our performers, friends, and partners to do all we can to support our performers during this time and continue to create and release content that provides a needed and welcome escape—if only for a moment—from the new normal during our time of self-isolations.


Like many, I have struggled to stay positive, focused and creative during this time. The news, worries and anxiety fill my mind, and at times I struggle with how to continue to work considering the reality of the moment. Nevertheless, we have a need and responsibility to find as many ways as we can to help provide an escape for our members, as well as becoming enrolled in a new charge to help our performers in as many ways as we can. As you may or may not know, sex workers and small (Adult) business have been exclusively singled out and excluded from filing for relief via the Small Business Relief programs.
For years we have had the pleasure and opportunity to produce what I have often called ‘FEEL GOOD’ porn with my husband of 20 years. It has indeed been one of the things of which I have been most proud; both RJ and I count our ability to work the way we do as a true blessing. With that said we are committed to continuing that same approach of creating with our performers and team.
Today we are launching a multi-step approach to this effort, and we encourage as many of our members, friends, and affiliates who can support our efforts.
Along with releasing new scenes, re-releasing some of our classic “CockyBoys Feel Good Movies” and offering additional updates with our friends and partners like Bel Ami & Corbin Fisher, we will also schedule weekly cam shows with many of our exclusive performers that will be free for our members via
While we are unable at this time to schedule new shoots, we are committed to still being creative and supporting our exclusive performers who count on and need the base pay of monthly scene work. We have a new series of erotic docs currently in production and are additionally working on new ways to support their fan content platforms with content so they can continue to update at a time when they are also unable to create new content via collaborations.
Now more than ever, we need to find, discover and become enrolled in a new purpose — a purpose that not only helps provide a much-needed escape, but one that also allows for new ways to create with and support our performers, and in doing so I feel certain we will all become better and stronger as a result of our joint efforts in coming together.
Once again, from everyone at CockyBoys, we are so grateful to all our members past and present for supporting our work and our performers. We are committed to doing our best to be a bright and joyful part of your day, now and in the future.


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