Best Buds 2018: Vance And Brodie | CorbinFisher

There are a lot of really close friendships that develop around here at CF, but it’s been a while since we’ve had two new guys who were already best buds when they started out with us. Vance and Brodie have known each other for over ten years and they’re roommates, and when they’ve been here they’ve been inseparable. Like all really close friends they’ve taken a few showers together, but they’ve never acted on their obvious mutual attraction – until now!
These two actually look a lot alike – big, defined muscles developed from daily gym sessions together and just the right amount of scruff on those chiseled jaw lines of theirs – so they look great together. They’ve both spent so much time around each other that they’re incredibly familiar with one another’s body, so it’s a thrill to watch them get to know each other on an even more intimate basis!

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