Colby Keller, Duncan Black, Justin Matthews | Kiss Hug Fuck Love | CockyBoys

We present the next video in our “COCKYBOYS MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD!” series that, we hope, will make the world a bit brighter, a bit less sad and just feel you with the spirit of love and empathy.
There is no better way to do this than with music. In this time of stress and uncertainty, we hope you will embrace the sounds and love shared within the music and imagery in Kiss Hug Fuck Love in all of its compassion, empathy and pure love.!!
Kiss, Hug, Fuck, Love
Take time to be GRATEFUL,
To APPRECIATE the small things,
To ACKNOWLEDGE the ones you love,
To BECOME the person you want to be, and most importantly, take time to LOVE YOURSELF.
We send our deepest love & appreciation to all our friends & members.
Kiss, Hug, Fuck, Love is designed to explore and intertwine both the sexual and creative energy of both the filmmakers and performers.
Kiss, Hug, Fuck, Love showcases harmony in its many forms, celebrating the natural moments that occur from the Power of Three! Watch as these confident young men strip away their inhibitions and simply live and just enjoy the four things that most people crave, want and desire every day.

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